Friday, April 21, 2023

Spring has sprung...

Spring has sprung and the work has begun.  Just before I get started let me show you what we're working from.

When we bought "The Snake Pit Rod and Gun Club the approach looked like this------>>>

Note particularly, for this post, the two towers, one for the television antenna (near the chimney) and the other for a set of floodlights to light the back area (near the center of the rear wall).

That same view nowadays is like the picture to the left...

<<<------  While we've put in a drive and parking area to avoid the spring time mud you will also note the two missing towers.  This is something I've been longing to do since we bought the place.  Unfortunately they were appropriately anchored in cement so my handy dandy angle grinder came in handy.  I had to cut one leg at a time and fell it like a tree, but victory was joyously mine with little effort and NO BLOOD!!!


(Insert happy dance)

Of course this had to wait until the RCI Renovator crew was finished for the day, lest I land it on top of one of their trucks. (I can't say enough good about Bob and Ben Chesko, their patience and attention to detail.)

Today (after almost three days of work) the back of the house is ready to wrap and side.  The new windows were installed with a nice little hiccup which involved cutting the opening for the window that arrived 6 inches too tall. BUT that's a win win in our book as it will allow more light into the small spare bedroom.  If you note on the first photo at the top of the page there was an opening just big enough for a small window air conditioner.  So we're pleased to be sure.

Removing the rear tower involved some rewiring, which I was able to do in the morning while windows were being installed.  And now the tower lies quietly awaiting further resettlement.

And as the week draws to an end, rain is forecast for the next few days...hence the recovering of the white pinewood flooring pictured with the tower.  So much to much time...God is good...All the time...

If you agree, why not take time to leave a comment?



  1. As you are rewiring remember water and electricity do not mix ha ha! Sending you our love from Thailand

    1. H.U.R.T.S. Hallead Un-Electrical Repair Technology Service


Reading yet again...

An adventurous and honest romp through the Reformation.  A valuable read: Available here:  Amazon