Thursday, May 18, 2023

The Work Continues...

What started as a lonely, seldom used hunting cabin is beginning to blossom.  After almost 20 months of love and labor, the investment is beginning to pay off.  We both well remember driving up to the "Snake Pit Rod and Gun Club" and thinking, hmmm... We had our hearts set on  something complete, something we would could move into and relax with...

The "Snake Pit" was something that would need A LOT of work.  Architecturally, it wasn't much to look at, a cement block house with a strange porch, no real driveway, a spring fed well, no central heating system, no phone service, and it came fully furnished - a house full of 2x6 bunks, crock pots, gun racks, and some sketchy lazy boy furniture, the kind, well that belonged in a "hunting camp."

But once we sat on the porch and looked out we knew we'd buy it.


As the contractors, RCI Renovation and Repair Services, LLC, finish up their work on the windows and siding, we're starting to feel like we've turned a corner.  The next step will be staining, foundation cleaning and treatment, and then landscaping, but we really feel like it's starting to come together and that's a good feeling.

We purposefully chose a board and batten style to lift up the Appalachian style mountain theme since we are in the northwestern most section of the Appalachian Mountains. We'll post more pics when we've moved a bit more forward, but we wanted to give thanks and bear witness to God's goodness that has brought us this far.  It's a piece of work (God's workmanship)!  Thank you, Lord.

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1 comment:

Reading yet again...

An adventurous and honest romp through the Reformation.  A valuable read: Available here:  Amazon