Saturday, April 15, 2023

I went to a Garden Party II

Some far more knowledgeable and experienced folks would call me stupid or perhaps, to be kind, foolish or ignorant.  I choose the title "DARING AND ADVENTUROUS!"

So as follow up to yesterday's braggartly claim of 95% of the rocks being harvested, fearing what yet lay before the surface, I threw caution (and common sense) to the wind and ventured forth into the unknown exploratory journey of attempting to till the garden! (Cue trumpet sounds.)  I selected an area in the middle of the garden about 6 feet wide and the full 30 feet across.  And dove in...

Two hours...I repeat, two hours later I had made two passes at this area and yielded yet another bumper crop which can be seen in the foreground of the picture to the left...but wait, that's not all. 

Besides the horseshoe, the window screen and the myriad of rocks and roots piled in the pictured here (above left), I, at great danger to myself and to the well being of the tines on my tiller, harvested yet another pile seen here (to the right)...

While the tiller performed flawlessly there were those wonderful "jerks" and stalls" which let one know there is something there.  Occasionally there were warnings, such as the earth moving a foot away from where I was tilling indicating I had a big one "on the line" (fishing metaphor).  Once in a while the bigger stone would be sufficiently inline with the tines that it would just stick up in there nicely and stall the engine (that dreaded, oh darn, now we do have a problem).  One was so large and so wedged it took several minutes with a hammer and a masonry chisel to break it up and remove it. But some of them were thin enough that the tines of the tiller actually broke them...

I must admit the thought of raised gardens has crossed my mind, but frankly the expense of 1500-2000 square feed of raised garden frames, bedding etc. isn't on our list of financial priorities, and I like the challenge and work involved in breaking this ground up.  There's just more satisfaction in hard work, than easy work...'s what I sense God thinks when he looks at me...and He is MORE than up to the challenge.

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Reading yet again...

An adventurous and honest romp through the Reformation.  A valuable read: Available here:  Amazon