Saturday, June 25, 2022

Nine Months In...

So, nine months into the "Great NorthCentral Pennsylvania Adventure" the workshop is fully functional.  There are still a few walls to be covered. (I've been using plywood removed from inside the house for this.) And I still need to run some conduit and pull wires. But with a simple 30 amp extension cord I can run what I need to, when I need to.


Excusing the coffee roasting equipment in the doorway, the table saw is finally out and centered for optimal access.  On the back wall is the chop saw which I've mounted on an 8' collapsable table  due to limited space.  I've used old telephone pole climbing struts and steps for shelving to support the weight of the hardwood which came back with us from West Africa.

To the left, as one enters I have the band saw and storage for such necessities as dowel rods, screening, roofing felt, visqueen, etc.  An attentive eye also takes note of the empty jars on the shelves waiting to be filled with canned goodiness that the lady of the house will be putting up yet this summer!

The back left corner has the dreaded "chemical shelf" for refinishing supplies and other not suitable for children things over top of the belt/disc sander.  And next to that is the spindle sander and bench grinder table, under which is the jigsaw and the planer/thicknesser before coming to the chop saw on the back wall.

To the right is the supply section with nails, bolts, lions, tigers, and bears oh my stuff.  You may note the ventless lp heater on the wall. (There is ample venting that can be opened in the winter to stay safe while maintaing heat.) AND the shopsmith vacuum system which has hoses to each of the major pieces of equipment which keeps everything so neat and tidy!!! And of course more cabinets...

On the right end is the work wall with all the hand tools and a work bench along with a drill press. All ov the cabinetry, the wall coverings, and tables, benches, etc. have been salavaged from the house as we remodel.  So with the exception of the building itself and the insulation, the shop cost next to nothing!!! Yippee, skippee!

This really is an important part of my life as virtually every tool in this shop belonged either to one of my grandfathers, my father, or Carol's father.  So it is a testimony those who have taught me, those who have taken such good care of their equipment, and the tradition I hope to someday pass on.  (Or if the kids or Carol wants, they can simply sell the whole shop ready made and ready to go!) 

I also wanted to get this done this summer so that as the fall and winter weather sets in, I am still able to continue work on remodeling the house without having to do the cutting and shaping, sanding, and finishing IN THE HOUSE! That makes Carol quite happy.

Sometimes it's the little things, the blessings along the way that just cause me to stop and say "WOW! Thank you Lord, for you provision in all ways." God has been so gracious. I pray you are likewise able to find that grace and gratitude in all aspects of your life!


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Reading yet again...

An adventurous and honest romp through the Reformation.  A valuable read: Available here:  Amazon