Thursday, November 11, 2021

Part II - Along the Way...

The past month has seen more than it's share of personal challenges but God has provided encouragement along the way with His grace being sufficient in every way.  Soli Deo Gloria!

We've finished up the Master Bedroom with the exception of replacing the window and hanging the closet doors.  An 11' cedar closet and carpeting along with some touch up painting was the focus here. The window replacement may need to wait until spring at this point.  And the latter will depend upon my ability to secure decent lumber.  (Finding good quality, well-planed, straight, AND affordable lumber is a still a challenge.  Fortunately we have connected with a family-owned lumber yard that is serious about their business.)

   This...                                        to this...                              to this...and

We've also finished most of the work in the Guest Bedroom with the window replacement being the exception in this room as well. (We're planning to replace the furniture and orient the room toward a play room for grandchildren after the holidays.) 


   This...                                      to this...                       to this...


And we've started on the hallway.  

All of this is most immediately oriented toward entertaining family for Thanksgiving. Our son and daughter-in-law and two granddaughters will be back in the country for the holidays and we're excited about being able to host them.

In the meantime we're continuing to unpack, place, and packaway the household items we brought with us from NC, insulating the workshop, covering those walls, and putting away tools.

in all of this we are thankful for the deer and deer that parade around, the mountains and the autumn beauty...Soli Deo Gloria!

***pictures may be enlarged by clicking on them


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Reading yet again...

An adventurous and honest romp through the Reformation.  A valuable read: Available here:  Amazon