With all the busyness of summer, this one especially occupied with a visit from the Thailand piece of the family and a "first swim" in the pond, I missed updating the 12 Monks Hill blog about the work with doors.
We've been vacillating with doors. What kind? What color? Reuse? But the decisions were made and work undertaken. We continued the concept of the plank door (what I call the outhouse look) that we used for the bathroom for the utility room and will continue that for the Master (yes, I used the word😜) Bedroom. The utility room door, however, took a twist with my wife's wonderful sense of humor. A friend (Sharon) had given her a plaque about bears and when we found a bear claw at some other friends' (Sam and Joann) garage sale it was a match made in heaven (or at least in her mind).And then, for the den, in honor of grandchildren in general this door, which opens into the kitchen, was the perfect place for a blackboard and so we repurposed a recently purchased screen door into just such an item. I'm hoping to see the weekly dinner menu posted from time time..
(All the doors are receiving a European style high knob/ entry hardware, primarily, to provide the grandchildren with less easy access to places they don't need to go!)
Finally, there was the issue of screen doors. A must. My amazing wife LOVES the sound of a screen door banging announcing the arrival of, well, most anyone. It's reminiscent of Grammy and PopPop's, Grammy and Pappy's and, for me, my own home and that of my dad's parent's home. There is just something about a screen door smacking the frame that yields warmth, friendship, family, and simplicity.
But how to tie that in with the board and batten siding look...One of the screen doors we had prior to the residing project could be reused and that helped to set the stage for both. It was simply a matter of removing the lower screen and putting in some plywood, in one case, and some left over Larch I had picked up from Jake West in the other. A bit of stain, some 14" springs, an eye and hook, and voila!

So that was about all that got done in July. But is was a month filled with love, laughter, good times, and a bit of work. Thanks be to God!
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