Thursday, March 17, 2022

In The Interim...

With the weather vacillating between snowy cold conditions, wet rainy conditions and the occasional sunny bright wonderful days of early spring...and no place to store wood for construction, we are at a standstill in the conversion/remodeling work. So we take full advantage of smallish guests who happen by to brighten our day.

The smallish one loves tractors (pronounced car-car).  He has taken the seat of tractors, but never one which is running. Today's discovery is that tractors are much more enjoyable when they aren't running...

And after a face plant into a mud puddle on the way back from the barn, a brief unloading of excess moisture from the eyes, we find that nothing satisfies quite like snacking on blueberries with grammy.

Next step is (hopefully) some naptime before the "big truck" comes with the washer dryer delivery, making grammy, even happier.

And so it continues...

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Reading yet again...

An adventurous and honest romp through the Reformation.  A valuable read: Available here:  Amazon