Monday, January 31, 2022

Things don't always go as planned!

We're into the second week of heating work being done.  With all of the cold weather the contractor is constantly receiving calls of no heat. They're doing inspections and "red flagging" unsafe equipment, and otherwise running into situations that are stretching their ability to stay onsite.  With a shortage of licensed qualified workers, the industry (like so many trades) is experiencing a qualified worker shortage.

Nevertheless they press on. They've wrapped the ductwork...


set the furnace, and placed the supply ducts and registers...


...and in my thinking the biggest challenge they face is putting all of this equipment down a 24"x24" hole into a 30" crawl space.

But there's light at the end of the tunnel.  The gas line is in. We'll have heat in the house by Friday, and we can get back to work on the interior spaces...

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Reading yet again...

An adventurous and honest romp through the Reformation.  A valuable read: Available here:  Amazon